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“Let’s rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself” (Revelation 19:7).

What in this life do you look forward to?  Many of us look moment by moment for what will fill the void.  That void is the absence of the Lord.  The day is coming when we shall be united with the Lord forever.  He is Sovereign and He shall (as He already does) reign. Has He not told us that His people are like a bride and He is the groom?  Has He not told us to watch and be prepared for when the bridegroom comes?  He told us these things ahead of time.

Lord, these are not new ideas.  This is not some strange thing, but the truth that You have revealed over and over.  We are the bride and You are the groom.  We are Your children and You are the Father.  We are the ones who have been redeemed by You.  Guide the faithful away from the momentary life of this world to live into the new life for which You died.  Guide us by Your grace to walk always in Your ways.

Lord Jesus, my faith is not some idea by which I live occasionally with others of like mind.  You have called me into a new life which is preparing me to be united with You forever.  Guide me into this new life.  Let it be the center of who I am.  Let me not be caught off-guard but help me to watch and prepare as I make myself ready to be united with You forever.  Lead me in the way of everlasting life, now and forever.  Amen.

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