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“The fruit you long for has left you, and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and people will no longer find them” (Revelation 18:14).

We are sold on the idea of the emperor’s new clothes.  There is really nothing there and one day we will discover that there never has been anything there.  People of this age quickly move from one trivial thing to another.  They are led by nothing and into nothing.  Such is the state of the rebellion in this age.  God, who has given us everything, is treated as if He were nothing.  And too many are okay with this state of affairs.

Lord, You know these things better than I ever will.  Help me to see that the reality of love and life that You offer is dismissed with what I think are pleasures, but they are really nothing.  I trade eternity for a moment.  I give up my blessing for a bowl of nothing like Esau.  Lead me the other way round Lord so that I go the way of the righteous.  Guide me on the narrow path to value what is valuable.

Savior of all who believe, lead me away from the fleeting pleasures of this world to focus upon what is right and good.  Help me now and always to lift my eyes, look to You and see where my help comes from.  The hindrances are of this world and my help is from You.  Guide me today in Your way of righteousness so that I may humbly walk with You, my Lord and Savior.  Thank You for grace, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

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