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“To the extent that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, to the same extent give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning’” (Revelation 18:7).

Sit, glorifying yourself, living luxuriously, and only accepting positive thoughts.  That sums up many people in this age.  Living an illusion, they are alone, but think themselves leaders of the world.  It is a delusion.  But the Lord has come to shine His light so that you can see and not live as one who is blind.  You are who you are, and the Lord is who He is, and you are not Him.

Lord, reality is much easier to live out than the delusion of thinking more of myself than I ought.  Lead me into continued right thinking and help me avoid all the wicked nonsense that tempts me to stray from You.  You are the One who created all things and only in You is there life and liberty.  Throughout the pains of this age, lead me to see with clarity Your upward call of grace and mercy.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for helping us to stand firm amidst a delusional age.  We have become steeped in the wine of lies that makes us drunk on things that are not true.  You have spoken the truth and set me free.  Lead me to live in the freedom You give so that I may now and always abide in Your salvation.  Guide me to know that in You alone is hope and an eternal future.  Amen.

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