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“Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her” (Revelation 18:6).

Vengeance does belong to the Lord and He will repay.  The wicked ensnare, trap, and destroy the innocent.  Good men have gone to their demise because of the wicked.  For the time being, be aware of the traps and avoid them.  Do not be led astray by the common temptations but be aware of where you go and what you do.  Do this not because others are watching, but in the Lord and according to His will.

Lord, too often, I behave because of what others say.  This creates a trap where I do things I ought not.  But this also means I do not do things that I ought.  Lord, free me from this trap to be freed to be who You have made me to be.  It is not to care about what others think, but it is about doing what is right regardless of what others think.  Lead me, Lord, where I need to go.

Lord Jesus, at first, salvation seems so easy.  Look to You and hope in the resurrection.  But then the Holy Spirit comes and tells me of many things that need to be worked on.  Lord, give me strength each day to meet the challenges I will face.  Help me to understand that in You alone is salvation.  Help me to do what is right and moral for my own sake and for others.  Help me by Your grace to take seriously the challenge of becoming like You.  Amen.   

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