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“And he said to me, “The waters which you saw where the prostitute sits are peoples and multitudes, and nations and languages” (Revelation 17:15).  

The multitudes are many and the wicked one influences them to crawl on top of one another in rebellion.  The Lord knows these things and has provided the narrow road so that all who speak the language of the Holy Spirit, that is, knowing that Christ has conquered death and given the hope of the resurrection, shall abide in Him and He in them forever.  In this moment, this is not about the multitudes, but about you.

Lord, You have called me to come to You in the hope You give.  I look around and I am swayed by the many who look hither and yon for purpose and meaning.  They swim in an ocean of ideas that swirl around and  go nowhere.  You have come and spoken the simple truth that we all need to be saved from drowning in the wide sea of wickedness.  Pull me up and out of the waves by Your grace to walk on the solid ground You have set for me.

Lord, You teach us to love You and our neighbor.  You tell us to obey all that You have commanded.  You give grace upon grace to enable each one of us to do these things.  Lord, my desire is there, but the flesh is weak.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way You would have me go.  Guide me now and always to learn from Your word how to be faithful.  Set me on my course again this day, Lord Jesus, to learn from You what it means to be faithful in an unfaithful world.  Amen.

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