Devotion for Thursday, October 5, 2023

“These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast” (Revelation 17:13).

Look at the great one!  Isn’t that what the minions say of tyrants?  Was Hitler a foreshadowing of what is to come?  It does not really matter.  The Lord has always remained the Lord.  He has and will prevail.  He was, is and is to come.  The ‘I AM’ is forever.  The seasons of this age will pass away, and the final sunset will come for us all.  When we awaken after the resurrection, we will be standing in the presence of the One who has redeemed those who believe.

Help my unbelief, Lord.  Guide me in the humble way of walking as a believer in the faith You give.  You know the hour and the season.  You have given us the signs.  As You taught us to pray, lead us not into temptation.  The faithful know You will go to whatever lengths are necessary to save those who believe and deliver them from evil.  Let me be on the narrow path of faithfulness and not on the wide path of sinfulness.  Yea, may we acknowledge by saying, “Thy will be done.”

Lord, You wrestled with sin, death, and the devil for our sake.  The frailties of humanity are numerous, but You are the Savior.  You know what I need.  You understand all that is before each one of us.  Lead me today to give praise and thanksgiving to You.  Lead me to humbly be thankful and gracious to others.  Guide me in Your wisdom to walk the narrow path all the days You give me in this age.  Amen.