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September 24: 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 20)



Isaiah 55:6-9 (Seek the Lord; he will abundantly pardon, for his ways are not our ways)

                ELW/RCL, Jonah 3:10-4:11 (Jonah’s ticked at God’s mercy; God’s rejoinder)


Psalm 27:1-9 (The Lord is my light and salvation, whom then shall I fear?)

                ELW/RCL, Psalm 145:1-8 (Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised)


Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30 (Paul’s imprisonment. To live is Christ, to die is gain; only live lives worthy of your calling in Christ)

                ELW/RCL, Philippians 1:21-30 (Eliminates imprisonment)


Matthew 20:1-16 (Parable of the 11th-hour workers in the vineyard)



Let us approach the throne of grace on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.


A brief silence is kept.


Thank you, Father, for calling us early, midday, and late in life, to be your disciples and workers in your Kingdom’s vineyard! Thank you for seeking us to do your work, even when others think we’re not good enough. Give us grace to hear your call, and strength to do your will. Thank you for the wages of everlasting life and salvation, and for your pleasure in us.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make the Church that place where all may see the fair beauty of Jesus and find shelter in his widespread arms. There let all people grow in faith, and labor fruitfully to his glory and for the benefit of others.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for our persecuted sisters and brothers around the world. Give them courage to honor Christ in their body, to boldly speak and joyfully live the Gospel; and to know that they share in Jesus’ suffering.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Help the people of this congregation to stand firm together, striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. Help us to work at whatever task pleases you. Make us glad when others begin to work alongside us, knowing that your grace has drawn them to serve you, even as it drew us.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for our young people, especially those considering a vocation to ministry and service in your Church. Give them delight in learning, and love for your people. Preserve them from the consequences of folly or malice. Use their energy to please you and to serve their neighbor.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant wisdom to our earthly leaders. Let them seek you while you may be found; call upon you while you are near; and govern in accordance with your holy will. Graciously grant patience, kindness, and humility to everyone, so that we may lead peaceable lives.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Be the light and salvation to those who stand in harm’s way to safeguard life and freedom. Amid danger and violence, let them put their trust in you and not be afraid. Let them bear the fruits of justice and righteousness. Give them the fair wages of honor, health, and peace when their work is done.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Be the safe shelter and solid rock to everyone in times of trouble, including: {List}. Lift them high above the things that assail them. Be the strength of their life. Give patience and compassion to all who care for them, especially those whose work is long, hard, and thankless. Restore them to the joy of fellowship with those who love them.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We thank you, Father, for those we love who have departed this life and are now with Christ. Though we grieve, we also rejoice; for we know that “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Give us strength to labor cheerfully in the vineyards of goodness, kindness, forgiveness, and righteousness. Make us as generous to others with those things as Jesus is to us. Make us rejoice to see how many he has redeemed and welcomed into your blessed Kingdom; and when we see him face to face.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Conform our prayers to the heart of Jesus, hear them through the interceding of your Holy Spirit, and grant them in accordance with your gracious will. Amen.

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