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“These have the power to shut up the sky, so that rain will not fall during the days of their prophesying; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire” (Revelation 11:5).

The Lord’s power is given to whom He chooses.  It is the Lord’s power, and you or I can never find the secret of having the Lord’s power.  There is none.  We are to trust the Lord and if the Lord tells to do something – even that which we consider impossible – then if we are faithful, we do it.  Yes, the day will come when these things come to pass, but have they not in a small measure already happened?

Lord, the world fights over power.  We do not have any of our own.  All power and authority belong to You.  Guide me away from the incessant insanity of thinking I can have some special power to do things in order that I may live humbly with You, my Maker.  Guide me into willingly being content with what You give and the life You direct me to live.  In times of famine or plenty, help me learn how to be content with and in You.

Lord, I do not want to ask for humility, but that is what I need.  Guide me in the right way of living so that my eyes are always upon You.  No matter what You ask me to do, help me to do it.  Teach me faithfulness and the truth that I am completely dependent upon You.  Unless I abide in You, I can bear no fruit.  Teach me to abide in You knowing that You abide in me now and forever.  Amen.

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