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“And they said to me, “You must prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings” (Revelation 10:11).

 Will you publicly speak the word of God?  Will you share these things which the Lord has given you?  These questions are to be answered by each one of us.  The world is filled with people who are condemned by their unbelief.  Will you share what you know of the possibility for salvation?  The Lord has chosen you to be a carrier of the Good News.   Will you carry the word in your heart to action, or just live a religious life for yourself?

Lord, in one sense this is so easy to understand.  You call us to be in an eternal relationship with You and live in the love You have given us.  The old Adam wants to be saved yet remains in the pride and selfishness of the old Adam.  That desire must be bent to my will if I am to be like You, Christ. You were selfless and humble in Your earthly ministry.  Lead me to learn from You and become like You.

Lord Jesus, I do need to be saved today.  Search my heart and help me to be honest with myself, and then to share what You have given me with others.  Guide me in the true way of salvation so that I may, now and always, abide in You and You in me.  Help me to bear fruit befitting Your kingdom.  Help me act like You and no matter the cost, to do what is right in Your sight.  Amen.

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