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“Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power” (Revelation 9:3).

How many times in human history have people been carried away by pandemonium?  How many times have evil men ruled and the nations went their way?  The Twentieth Century is filled with such things.  The locusts come and devour everything, leaving nothing but smoke and waste in their wake.  Yes, there will be the final time, but be prudent in case you experience a time when evil men rule.

Lord, I have heard of the end times, but many of these are they.  You know and I do not.  Help me to be prudent and be prepared in good stewardship for what is possible in my time.  You taught us to watch the seasons and to know the times.  Those who have done so in ages past have done well for their families.  Teach me not to panic, nor go overboard, but to be a good steward and prepared in this, my time.

Lord Jesus, ultimately the time is going to come when I face death and at that time, whether I am facing the end of the world or my own demise will not make any difference to me.  Teach me so that I may prepared and rejoice in that day when I know I will be with You forever.  But, also help me to be a good steward and prudent about living this life You have given me here and now.  Amen. 

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