Whenever I fly into an airport I have never been in before, I am always very grateful for all the signs that greet me as soon as I step off the plane. It is because of these signs that I can find the baggage claim area and the rental car counter. And once I have my rental car, because of signs I know how to get out of the airport and on to my destination.
Web sites are great tools for providing information about a ministry and/or other kind of organization. Many thanks to Kim Smith, former president of our board, who continues to serve as web master, editor of our newsletter, and director of all of our various forms of social media.
Kim has developed a document which can serve as a kind of map to our website. We anticipate that this document will be helpful not only for a person who might be looking at our website for the first time, but also for someone who has been on our website many times before but may not be aware of all of the resources that can be found there.

Here is a link to the Web Map. You can also find it in the footer of our website.