Devotion for Friday, May 12, 2023

“And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb”  (Revelation 7:10).

There is no salvation apart from the Lord.  This is the way and truth of the matter.  If you want to connect with God, then let Him connect with you.  There is no other way for connection, for the connection is saving grace.  There are many whose egos are such that they think this unreasonable.  Those in rebellion are unreasonable.  God is God and He has set the rules in place.  There is no salvation apart from His grace.  Build your life of faith around the truth which He gives to those who hear and obey it.

Lord, You have spoken Your word and Your word is truth.  Lead me away from the false religion that has me doing whatever needs to be done for my salvation.  You are the Savior.  But do guide me in responding to Your amazing grace by seeking to live a life worthy of Your calling.  Such a thing is impossible for me alone, but I can strive toward that goal anyway, knowing that You are the One who completes us.  Lord, You know what is needed.  Save me that I may stand in Your presence forever.

Savior of the world, help me to stand firm in the truth that there are not many roads, but one path that leads to eternal life.  Guide me in the truth You have revealed in order that I would humbly walk on the path You have established.  Lead me according to the Father’s purposes to learn how to obey all that You have commanded.  Guide me all of the days You give me here to respond with acts of thanksgiving, reflecting Your love for me to others in all I do.  Amen.