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“Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” (Revelation 7:4).

Twelve tribes, twelve disciples, twelve is a complete number.  When a number times a number is expressed in Scripture and zeros are added, it is an emphasis of infinity.  “How many times should I forgive,” Peter asked.  Jesus replies, “seven times seventy.”  These numbers are not literal, as we think of math, but express an idea.  How many are saved?  The complete number.  From whom?  Every tribe, tongue, folk, and nation.  God is our salvation.

Lord, I know there are those who do all kinds of things with this number.  In context, You are expressing a vast number that is inclusive of all kinds of people.  Help me to not think that I am so smart as to have all of this figured out, but instead, help me focus upon being one of Your children in the making.  Guide me in the salvation You have purchased for me on the cross that I may shine the light of Your presence in my life.

Lord Jesus, I often make things much more complex than they need to be.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way of salvation this day so that I may focus upon being one of Yours.  Help me to understand that there are others included in these numbers and that they are all a part of the body You are knitting together from all peoples.  Lord, help me learn how to better love my neighbor.  Amen.


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