Devotion for Sunday, April 16, 2023

“You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth” (Revelation 5:10).
The contrast between this world and the Lord’s kingdom begins with serving. The Lord serves us first and when we overcome, we serve Him and our neighbors. But He continues serving. It is not about power, authority or rank. It is about loving one another. Learn from the Lord and learn how to serve as you have been served. Draw near to the Lord – for that is what a priesthood of believers does – and He will draw near to you. Live in peace with the Lord and with your neighbors and begin to be a part of the kingdom now as you shall be forever.
Lord, I am tempted by this world and its call to have and gain. Lead me to be the servant of others, serving them as You have served each of us. Lead me in Your goodness to know that in You alone is hope, for You are the One who has overcome for all of us. In Your hands is the book of life. Lead me to live in the liberty which You have given me by grace. Lead me to learn and obey all that You have commanded.
Lord Jesus, the way seems so simple, but then the day begins. I start out wanting power and authority but that belongs to You. I want to know what I do not know, but what I will and will not know is up to You. Guide me to humbly live in the station in which You have placed me, serving others as You lead me. Guide me to learn how to be faithful. Lead me to be a member of the priesthood of believers, drawing near to You. Thank You for making me a part of Your kingdom. Amen.