Prayers of the Church, 6th Sunday of Easter, Cycle A, May 14, 2023 (Also Mother’s Day)

Prayers of the Church,
6th Sunday of Easter, Cycle A, May 14, 2023 (Also Mother’s Day)
Acts 17:16-31 (Paul in Athens: What you worship as unknown, I proclaim to you)
(ELW: Acts 17:22-31)
Psalm 66:8-20 (God has tested, delivered us; we will offer sacrifices and extol him)
1 Peter 3:13-22 (Give account of hope with gentleness; suffer for doing good, like Christ. Baptism an appeal to God for good conscience, through Christ’s resurrection and exaltation)
John 14:15-21 (If you love me, keep my commandments; the Father will send you the Spirit)
Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and all people according to their need.
A brief silence
Thank you, Jesus, for your faithful servants who have openly proclaimed the greatest mystery: that you are true God and true man, crucified and Raised from the dead for the forgiveness of sin unto eternal life. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to teach, comfort and guide us in your Way forever.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Lord, grant that your Church always adores and proclaims you as the Redeemer of the world. Fill it with your Spirit. Equip it to defend the faith, even to nay-sayers, with gentleness and respect. Kindle such love for you that it beautifully keeps your commandments and draws many to faith in you.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Come quickly to help your persecuted disciples throughout the world. Fill them with faith, hope and charity. Let those who revile their hope in you be put to shame.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Give a double portion of your Spirit to missionaries, evangelists, and theologians. Raise up a new generation of pastors and other faithful witnesses to the Gospel. Give wisdom to all who teach the faith to the next generation of believers. Bless all they do that glorifies your name.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Give the members of this congregation the keen eye and quick wit of St. Paul, who proclaimed your Gospel to skeptical Greek philosophers. Though we may speak more simply, help us to relate to people around us with words and stories that help them draw closer to you. Help us to share the hope that is in us, and the love you bear for them.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Bless all mothers, and everyone who acts with a mother’s care. Grant wisdom, a firm yet gentle hand, infinite patience, and plenty of sleep. Comfort those whose child is estranged, suffering, or deceased. Forgive and give new hope to women who have had an abortion for any reason. Shower your mercy on those who long to have children but cannot, who have miscarried, and upon all who grieve the loss of their own mothers. Give all of us grace to rightly honor them.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
The nations do not know you, dear Lord. They suffer because they are starving for your Word of life, truth, and salvation. Bestow your Spirit on the world, so that our leaders seek to obey your Father’s will. Let all who blindly serve “an unknown god” learn to love and serve you, their Redeemer and Lord. Teach all of us to walk in your pathways of life and truth.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Deal gently with all who are afflicted by pain, confusion, sorrow, remorse, or despair, including: {List}. Heal every hurt they have sustained. Bring them into a place of refreshment, health, and hope. By your gracious Spirit, give compassion and patience to all who care for them.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Most holy Savior, we bless and adore you. We commend to your care our beloved dead. Do not leave us as orphans, grieving as those who have no hope. Draw close to us and keep us in your care. Fill us with your Spirit. Make us abound in faith and good works. Help us to share these gifts with gentleness and respect. Gather us with all your saints into your arms. Lead us into the life, light, and love you share with your Father and the Holy Spirit forever.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
We praise and magnify you, dear Jesus. Accept our prayers and lay them at the feet of your Father, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns gloriously as our Lord and our God, now and forever. Amen.