Devotion for Sunday, April 30, 2023

“Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been” (Revelation 6:11)

The faithful will be martyred until Jesus returns.  Whether it is the literal death that comes in persecution or the many little deaths of the spirit that happen to one who is persecuted day after day, the wicked of this world seek to silence the voice of the Master.  They cannot and will not, but the attempts continue.  Look around and what do you see?  The hope of salvation in Christ is under constant attack.  Where will you stand? On the promises of God? Or with the persecutors?

Lord, give me that old-time religion.  I want to live and let live, but I find that this world is becoming increasingly hostile.  The world is pressing in, and it seems as though it does desire to still the voice which speaks the Gospel.  I need Your guidance to live faithfully amidst the wicked schemes of this world.  You have come to save.  Save me and those who will listen through the witness You provide through me.

Come, Holy Spirit, and reveal again the truth for all ages.  Help me to see clearly and not bow down to the idols of this age.  No matter the cost to me, for I know that You have born the true cost, help me to carry the cross You give me, for its burden is light.  Guide me in mercy and grace to be a bold witness amidst the hostility to the faith in my time.  No matter the cost to me, knowing it cost You everything, lead me to learn how to remain steadfast in faith according to the Father’s will.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, April 29, 2023

“They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”  (Revelation 6:10)

In each generation there are those who have been wronged by the wicked.  The righteous want vengeance.  But God says: vengeance is Mine. The Lord is not slow as some count slowness, but awaits the time when all things are complete.  This verse should be an encouragement to those who are persecuted.  The Lord knows and He will answer in His time.  All things are in His hand and He has promised to work them together for good for those who love Him.

Lord, in times of persecution, I want vengeance.  But do I know real persecution?  There are those whose lives have been taken in this age because of their faith.  I am still here, so do I know true persecution?  I should.  Standing firm in the faith will get me into trouble with those who want my voice stilled.  Lead me, O Lord, so that I walk humbly with You and stand firm in the faith You have given me, for blessed are those who ate persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

Lord Jesus, apart from You I can do nothing.  Fill me so that I am willing to hold fast and proclaim the faith no matter what.  I do not want to be a martyr but help me to be willing to pay that price if that is what it means to hold fast.  Whatever may come, lead me in Your goodness and mercy to know that in You alone is all hope and the only future worth living.  Lead me to learn what it means to be faithful.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, April 28, 2023

“When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained” (Revelation 6:9).

There are those who have witnessed first-hand the wickedness against the church.  Just because you have lived in relative safety does not mean the church has not been under attack.  Both within and from without, there are those who are not faithful to the Lord.  People seek their own desire and wrap it up in nice religious garments.  The souls of the saints cry out against the wicked.

Lord, grant that I be counted amongst the saints.  Let me not rely upon my own merits but look deeply within my own soul to have Your Spirit uncover any place that remains in rebellion against You.  This is a matter of eternal life and death, and I too often treat it as though it were just a Sunday thing.  Guide me Lord in the way of everlasting life so that I may be found wholly in You.

Thank You, dear Jesus, for the salvation You accomplished, which You have given me by Your precious death and resurrection.  Apart from You, it is hopeless.  But You give me hope and a future.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of everlasting life and help me to search deep within.  Make of me a true saint who is a witness in this world, giving testimony of the hope I have because of Your grace.  Lead me always in the grace You give.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, April 27, 2023

“I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth” (Revelation 5:8).

This world is filled with terrors.  One of the certainties in this age is death.  We shall all die.  But there have been times when death seemed to have been even more prominent.  WWII and the years immediately following saw tens of millions slaughtered for political reasons.  The amount of slaughter in our time is on the increase.  Do not fear death, for it comes to us all, but fear the One who rescues us from the second death.

Lord, I have a natural fear of pain.  I recoil at the thought of painful things.  I do not like the death of loved ones who have gone on.  In the mystery of all these things, help me to see more clearly the reality of all that is going on around me.  Guide me through the mess of this world to know that in You, the author and finisher of my faith, there is true abiding and everlasting life.  Lead me in the right and good direction grace affords that I may always follow You.

My Savior, ever since Adam and Eve were banned from the garden, death has been a part of the human experience.  But You have told us that death is not the final answer.  Though I die, yet shall I live.  Guide me, Lord, in living the true life for which You died.  Help me work through my fears so that I live in the goodness of Your grace and mercy all the days of my life in this age.  Help me to look to You, Lord, and then help me to follow You.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, April 26, 2023

“When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”  (Revelation 6:7)

Will you follow the Lord no matter what comes?  Many seem to be good-time followers.  While things are moving along smoothly, all is well and good.  As soon as trouble comes, they bail out and move elsewhere.  A fourth time, the Lord bids you, “come”.  Through all that this life may toss your way, come, and serve the Lord.  You were created by Him, and you are His.  But He created you to, and for, love.  Will you come?

Lord, You know the struggles I have in this age.  There are so many things that get in the way so that I am sometimes unsure of which direction to go.  Lead me, Lord, in the way You would have me go and grant, by Your grace, that I would have the fortitude to hold fast to the gifts You have given me.  Lord, You know where I am and where I need to be.  You know the path set before me.  Thank You for being there every step of the way.

Lord Jesus, You are the Savior, but also the judge.  You will pursue me to the ends of the earth.  Grant that I would learn from You and have the same fortitude and passion to follow You always and no matter what.  Guide me this day so that I stand firm against whatever may come my way that would lead me away from You.  Thank You, Lord, for being with me and showing me the way.  Lead me now and always in Your goodness.  Amen.

Small Rural Church in SW Iowa Seeks Full Time Pastor

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, LCMC in Neola, Iowa is seeking a full-time pastor. 

Ash Wednesday. Interim: Pr. Joe Lambert.

 St Paul’s invitation is:

 Dear Friend in Christ:

 Are you looking to lead a small country church in rural Iowa? St.  Paul’s Lutheran Church has been praying for you. We’re located near  Neola, Iowa surrounded by corn/bean fields, rolling hills and a  beautiful view of the countryside.

A brother

Our church recently celebrated its 140th anniversary and is simply beautiful inside and out. We are currently working on plans to make it more handicapped accessible and adding a restroom upstairs.


Our parsonage is an older home, but recently remodeled, with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car detached garage, and a great yard for kids.

A sister and

We are located between Underwood and Tri-Center school districts. Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs is just a 20 minute drive away. And Omaha, NE is just a 30 minute drive away.

We are seeking a relationship with a Pastor who can lead us and encourage us in our walk with Christ.

In closing, a question from one of our youth — won’t you come and share the Bible with us?

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

another sister …


Monte Bracker

Call Committee Chair

Cell# 402-681-4163

Email :

Facebook:  @STPaulNeola

View the congregational profile here and their cover letter here.


Devotion for Tuesday, April 25, 2023

“Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” (Revelation 6:6)

In war lives are considered dispensable.  The priority is killing enemies and life is given less value.  Vast swaths of ground are destroyed, and the people go hungry.  Less food and hungry people mean the ones who are in control profit.  This is the way of wickedness.  We too have profited, for we eat cheap food and pay poor wages.  Only the Lord can bring true balance to the insanity of this age.

Lord, I do not want to confess that I have benefitted from the inequities of this world.  Help me to see things as they are and where possible, to make amends.  Guide me to be fervent in Your way of living and not adopt any other cause that moves in any direction that is away from You.  Lead me to live at peace, be fair, and seek for the welfare of others, especially the helpless and those who are victimized.

Lord Jesus, You came to save us all.  Amidst circumstances I cannot fully fathom, help me to live into the life to which You have called me.  Let me not answer anger with anger, but with peaceful self-control.  Help me to love even when others are hating.  Let me share what I have with those who may not be able to obtain what they need.  The world is at war with itself.  Give Your peace to me amidst the ways of this world.  Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Holy Trinity, Cycle A, June 4, 2023

Prayers of the Church,

Holy Trinity, Cycle A, June 4, 2023


Genesis 1:1-2:4a (God creates the universe and blesses it)

Psalm 8 (What is man that you are mindful of him?)

Acts 2:14a, 22-36 (Again, part of Peter’s Pentecost sermon)

            (ELW, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, Trinitarian blessing)

Matthew 28:16-20 (The Great Commission)


In the power of the Spirit, let us pray to God the Father, that through his dear Son, he would accomplish his will for the Church, the world, and all people for whom we pray.

A brief silence

We adore you, O Lord, and confess you are one God in three Persons. With God the Son, in the power of God the Spirit, we are bold to pray to God the Father as “Our Father!” We do not deserve, and can barely comprehend, such a wonder. All we can do is bless your holy Name and proclaim your goodness and grace to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant that your Church may always worship your Triune nature in unity; and confess that your unity is that of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give the Church such wisdom and faith that it may rightly proclaim your Name to the world. And give it such humility and grace that, through it, many come to know, trust, and love you, the Lord and Savior of the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You commanded the Church to go into all nations, making disciples, baptizing in your Name, and teaching others to observe all you have commanded. Keep your persecuted servants faithful to that Great Commission, even when it would be easier to fall away. Let us more comfortable Christians not be a scandal to their witness, nor a stumbling-block to unbelievers.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make this congregation a temple fit for your holy presence. Let all we say and do glorify your Name. Bind us together in your love. Use us to introduce you to those who don’t yet know you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You created this world and blessed it and called it good; and you entrust it to us as your stewards. We are called to be the face of God to creation! Help us to use the bounties of the sea, land and air with wisdom and prudence. Give gentle and loving hearts to all who care for animals. Bless farmers, ranchers, fisher-folk, and all who keep an anxious eye on weather, pollution, and everything that affects this beautiful planet.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Remind leaders of the nations that they are your stewards of authority and power. Remind captains of industry and commerce that they are stewards of the world’s resources. Remind the healthy and wealthy, the educated and influential, the popular and powerful, that they, too, are stewards of your lavish gifts. Remind all of us that we are stewards of your bounty. You command us to use them in accordance with your will; and your will is for all people and all creatures to enjoy their rightful portion of your gifts.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Bless, heal, and comfort all who suffer, including: {List}. Guide them safely through the dark valleys in which they wander. Be their light and life, their guide and joy. Return them to the fellowship of all who love and pray for them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Holy God, thank you for your mercy to those who have died trusting in your promises. Visit us with your wisdom, love, and forgiveness. Teach us the moves and graces of your triune fellowship. Give us joy and delight as we imitate you! Bring us into your presence, with the whole company of the redeemed. Let us gaze upon your blessed countenance and adore you as our Lord and God, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Hear our prayers, O Father, for the sake of Jesus your Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, bring what is pleasing in your sight to fruition in our lives. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, Day of Pentecost, Cycle A (May 28, 2023) Also Memorial Day Weekend

Prayers of the Church, Day of Pentecost, Cycle A (May 28, 2023)

Also Memorial Day Weekend


Numbers 11:24-30 (The Spirit descends on 70 elders)

            (ELW, ditto, or Acts 2:1-11, the Holy Spirit descends like tongues of fire)

Psalm 25:1-15 (Good and upright is the Lord; so he instructs sinners in the way.)

(ELW: Psalm 104:24-34, 35b, The Spirit renews creation)

Acts 2:1-21 (The Holy Spirit descends; Peter comments)

(ELW, ditto, or 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13, the gifts of the Spirit)

John 7:37-39 (The Spirit wells up like living water in believers’ hearts)

            (ELW, ditto, or John 20:19-23)


In the power of the Spirit, let us pray to God the Father, that through his dear Son, he would accomplish his will for the Church, the world, and all people for whom we pray.

A brief silence

Abba, Father! For Jesus’ sake, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we may call you Father. Thank you for giving us the same Spirit that filled your beloved Son. Thank you for the gifts of that Spirit, given so we may bless and praise you, and proclaim your love to those who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Pour out your Spirit upon the Church. Kindle in it the flame of truth, holiness, faithfulness, and goodness. Make it steadfast in suffering; faithful in witness; generous in service; and ardent in worship. Conform it to Christ, so that, through your Spirit, many are drawn to faith in Him.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

When they were persecuted, the martyrs’ joyful faith softened stony hearts. Do this also for your servants who still suffer on account of Christ. Sustain them with your life-giving Spirit. Keep them steadfast, never returning evil for evil. Let their faithful suffering bear rich fruit, feeding even their tormentors with repentance and faith.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Renew the hearts, minds, worship, and life of this congregation. Make us lovely and loving; joyful and kind; faithful and forgiving; generous and patient; humble and valiant. Make us look like Jesus; and use us to draw others into his nearer presence.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Through your Spirit, you gave the apostles words to proclaim your saving truth to pilgrims from many nations. We pray for translators, editors, commentators, authors, and narrators; for speech therapists; for teachers, tutors, and theologians; and for all of us. Let us use words wisely and well. Give us a passion for speaking truth in love. By that same Spirit, discipline our tongues to refrain: from words that hurt our neighbor, from telling convenient lies, and from rhetoric that inflames base passions. And to those who cannot speak, impart your Spirit which searches the heart and intercedes before you with sighs too deep for words.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Instruct the leaders of the nations in your ways, O Lord. Give them the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of you, their Lord; so that they, and the people in their care, may have joy in your presence. Teach all of us the things that make for peace; and give us a spirit willing to them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


On this Memorial Day weekend, we lovingly commend into your care all our beloved dead, especially those who gave their life in service of their country. Keep their memories fresh and bright. Spur us to deeds of faithfulness, generosity, and self-sacrifice. And hasten the day when wars shall cease; evil is vanquished; every tear is wiped away; and you are truly all in all.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bring healing and hope also to everyone who has been afflicted by suffering, and who needs the grace of your life-giving Spirit. Especially we remember before you: {List}. Your Spirit brings renewed life to all creation. Grant that renewal to your servants, and to all who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Thank you, heavenly Father, for receiving our beloved dead into your arms. Thank you for the life, death and resurrection of your dear Son, who has bestowed the Spirit of life upon all who trust in him. Breathe that Spirit into our lives, and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Raise us up in the power of the Spirit and in union with our dear Savior, so that with the whole redeemed and renewed creation, we may forever adore and worship you, the Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Hear our prayers, O Father, for the sake of Jesus your Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, bring what is pleasing in your sight to fruition in our lives. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 7th Sunday of Easter or Ascension (Transferred), Cycle A (May 21, 2023)

Prayers of the Church,

7th Sunday of Easter or Ascension (Transferred), Cycle A (May 21, 2023)


7th Sunday of Easter


Acts 1: (6-10), 12-26 (Matthias chosen to replace Judas)

Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 (The holy God is also the protector of orphans and widows)

1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11 (Christian suffering; God of grace will support, strengthen, establish you)

John 17:1-11 (Jesus’ High Priestly prayer; glorify yourself in them as you have in me)


Ascension (Transferred)


Acts 1:1-11 (The Ascension of Jesus)

Psalm 47 (God has gone up with a shout!)

Ephesians 1:15-23 (The power of grace put into effect when God exalted Jesus)

Luke 24:44-53 (Shorter account of Ascension; conclusion of the gospel)




With joyful confidence, let us approach our Lord’s throne of grace, there to pray on behalf of the Church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence

O God beyond all praising, we worship you and adore you. You have revealed your glory through your Son, who has risen and ascended and who reigns at your right hand forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make your Church abide in Jesus, as he abides in you. Cause it to preach the Gospel of salvation and celebrate the Sacraments in accordance with that Gospel. Let it proclaim to the whole world your blessings without number and your mercy without end.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Grant to your persecuted people a firm confidence in the hope that has been established through the steadfast obedience of Christ their Lord. Give them grace to triumph through their sufferings and rise to serve you even in the presence of those who trouble them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Unite our hearts with fellow disciples of your Son, and with missionaries of your Gospel. Let us all be so united to your beloved Son and with one another, that in everything, we glorify your Name and spread the bounties of your mercy throughout the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Let the radiance of our Beautiful Savior fill the hearts and sanctify the ministries of this congregation. Make our worship into a joyful duty, and our service into a sacrifice of praise. Use us to lead others to Jesus, that with us, they may worship, honor, bless and adore him.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You have appointed your Son as King of creation and Lord of the nations. Teach our leaders to praise your name; to love justice and righteousness; and to seek those things that make for peace. Come to the help of those whose lives are troubled by sorrow and hardship; and draw all people into the glorious and gentle rule of Christ their Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Keep in your care all who stand in harm’s way to right wrongs, establish safety, and protect life and liberty. Prosper all they do that serves your will. Bring them home safely and soon; heal those who are wounded. Help us value their skills and insights when they return to civilian life.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We lift our hearts to you on behalf of all whose lives are clouded by any sort of affliction or sorrow, including: {List}. Let the light of Jesus’ countenance heal and cheer them. Let all who care for them do so with tenderness and compassion; and grant that together we may praise you for your unending mercies.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


O Lord, those who have died trusting in your promises now see their Beautiful Savior face to face. Thank you for bestowing this blessing upon them. Continue to show to us your love. Though we are your unworthy servants, bless us with such good gifts as will sustain us and others in this life. Bring us into that endless life and light you share with all whom you have redeemed. Grant that into eternity we always sing, “Glory and honor, praise, adoration, now and forevermore be thine!”

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We praise and magnify you, most holy Father; we entrust our prayers and petitions to you in the strong name and for the dear sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.