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“Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it” (Revelation 5:4)

What do you do in moments of utter frustration?  Do you give up hope?  We forget that the Lord is Lord of all, and nothing is impossible for God.  The point here is that only the Lord is worthy.  He is not asking us to be worthy, but how many spend their spiritual lives trying to be worthy?  The Lord has saved you by grace; now live the faith He gives you to walk with Him each day.

Lord, why do I make my life in the faith so difficult?  I revert to trying to obey the law which I constantly break.  The law is good, but I cannot fulfill it.  Not that I should not always seek to obey, but that I should not make that my first priority.  Lord, you ask that I learn how to humbly walk with You, my God and Savior.  Today may we begin anew so that I may learn how to walk with You?  Teach me again that the load is easy, and the burden is light.  Teach me whatever it is that I need to learn.

Lord, I cling to the cross and look to You.  I do need the help that only You can give when I realize that I am unworthy.  Either that, or I beat myself up for not being worthy, thinking somehow that I just need to learn how to do it differently.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of living that trusts You above all things.  Lead me to see what You are doing more clearly so that I may follow You more closely on the path You have set before me.  Amen.

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