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“And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?”  (Revelation 5:2)

Are you worthy?  Ask yourself that question before proceeding onto anything else.  Of course, you are not worthy.  We should humble ourselves and not be as the proud and arrogant who jump in and take charge.  We are called to be leaders, but there is only One commander.  The Lord alone is worthy to open the seals.  The rest of us who have spent our lives learning to obey should also learn to have humble and thankful hearts.

Lord of all, the One who knows, what can I say to You?  You know my heart and its condition.  Guide me in Your goodness to continue the journey of being transformed by the renewing of my mind.  Lead me into the fruit of goodness which is necessary for eternity, and crucify my pride.  You alone are worthy of all honor and praise.  Let me not take one bit for myself, but always give it to You.

Lord Jesus, You know how much I need to move from where I am to where I need to be.  Guide me, Lord, on the path You have set before me and do not let me linger over the small things.  Transform my heart and kill the pride in me.  Let what You have given me be used for Your purpose.  May I give You thanks and praise all the days of my life.  May my name be found in Your book.  Amen.

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