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“[T]he twenty-four elders will fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and will worship Him who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying” (Revelation 4:10)

The greatest amongst men are nothing in the presence of the Lord.  This world is fueled by pride.  People want to be on top, in control, directing the lives of others.  There is no room for pride in the presence of the Lord.  Who can give anything to the Lord?  Has He not created all things?  You can only give Him what was His in the first place.  Give Him your praise.  Praise the Lord while you have your being.

Lord, help me to not fall into the trap of pride.  So many seek what they can never have.  No matter to what position You appoint me, may I always be willing to throw it at Your feet in worship.  You alone are worthy of all honor and praise.  You have done all that is needed.  You have given us what we need to be in Your presence.  Lead me Lord to humbly submit to You in and through all things.

Lord Jesus, You humbled Yourself unto death, even death on a cross.  Lead me, O Lord, to humbly walk with You wherever You direct.  Guide me to not think too highly of myself, but to humbly do what You give me to do.  Through all that may come in this world, establish me by grace in the way of life You have created.  Continue to lead me so that I may be where You are and become as You have made me to be.  Amen.

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