Devotion for Sunday, March 5, 2023

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 3:29).

I have known deaf people who hear more clearly that those we call hearing.  Our Lord desires that we grow in wisdom and understanding.  Open your heart and let the word of our Lord dwell in you.  The world’s spirit is screaming.  The gracious voice of the Spirit is always speaking.  Listen, hear, and walk by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Be led by the Lord and not by this world.

The world raises up causes.  Which cause will be your cause?  The author of life gives life and calls us to come to Him and live with and in Him.  Which path will you walk?  Each day this dichotomy is set before us.  Each day we can walk one way or another.  The Lord desires to create in us a new and clean heart that hears the Spirit and walks anew in the truth of the ages.

Lord Jesus, I cannot do this on my own.  I need Your Spirit to guide me in and through all things.  Help me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and callous to the voice of this age.  Lead me where You will and help me to always be attune to Your guidance and direction.  You have spoken and You are speaking.  Guide me in the upward heavenly call to be with You where, with the Father and the Holy Spirit You reign now and forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, March 4, 2023

He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father; and I will give him the morning star” (Revelation 3:26-28).

What is it that God is creating?  We shall see.  What are all of these promises given to those who endure?  We shall see.  Who is it that is making these promises?  The One through whom all things have their being.  What is the bottom line?  Trust the Lord and be guided by your Maker.  You are the clay and He is the potter.  He will do what He will do.  Will you praise the Lord of all creation?

Lord, my heart needs eyes to see and ears to hear.  This world is in such a fog and so full of noise that each day seems no different that any other.  Through this, You have come giving the Good News of the Gospel.  Help me to cling to You and flee from all of the foolish doubts of this age.  Let me abide in Your goodness and mercy so that You may richly abide in me.  Lead me where You will and for Your sake.

Lord Jesus, all authority has been granted You.  This world operates as if it had authority and power.  Only in You is there hope, for all authority and power belong to You.  Guide me Lord knowing these things so that I do not strive for what is not mine, nor never will be.  Teach me how to be obedient in all things.  Lead me in Your goodness to see through the fog of this age and learn how to hold fast to the hope You give me.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, March 3, 2023

“Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come” (Revelation 2:25).

Many times in Scripture it tells us to hold fast, stand firm, or be unmoved by the things of this world.  We are not to be reactive, but know that the Lord of all creation knows exactly how things are going to turn out in every situation.  Replace every moment of doubt when you say, “Where are You Lord,” with,” “Lord, you are the ever-present support in time of need.”  The Lord is faithful.

Lord, I need to learn how to be faithful as You are faithful.  So much of what I call my faith is so conditional.  Guide me to learn from You how to endure all things for the sake of the unshakable hope You have given me by grace through faith.  Lead me so that I may walk this life in faith and live according to all the You have promised.  In You is all hope.  Teach me to hold fast always.

Lord Jesus, You marched intentionally to the cross in order to free us from sin and death.  Guide me in the way of grace that You have established so that I may truly stand firm and hold fast to Your never-changing word of truth.  Lead me this day and grow me to be more like You.  Implant in me faithfulness and a stalwart spirit that is unbending no matter what hot wind of this age is blowing.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, March 2, 2023

“But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they call them – I place no other burden on you” (Revelation 2:24).

Whenever you are told of the deep things, be wary.  The Lord has spoken plainly.  There have always been those who, in the guise of truth, but actually masking pride, think they have some special revelation.  Anyone who preaches anything other that Christ crucified, resurrected, and ascended may be suspect.  The Gospel is about Christ and nothing else.  The other fluff is of Satan.

Lord, grant that I would have discerning ears to hear as You speak.  Grant me a mind that understands.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth so that I may now and forever be guided by You alone.  Help me overcome the insanity of this world.  Lead me always into Your arms of mercy and grace.  Let me rest in You, having taken up my cross and following You with Your yoke and burden.

Lord of heaven and earth, You are speaking words of warning for all who will receive Your message.  Help me to hear Your word simply and reflect what I hear with my life.  Guide me this day in Your goodness and mercy to humbly and willingly do those things You give me to do.  Keep me from the false teachings of this world so that the pure Gospel would be proclaimed through me.  Lead me Lord and help me to always follow You alone.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, March 1, 2023

“And I will kill her children with pestilence, and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds” (Revelation 2:23).

Do you think of this literally?  Sometimes this has been the case, but other times it is what happens to the fellowship spiritually.  How many congregations have been filled with pestilence?  How many have become irrelevant because they are distracted from the main thing; which is Jesus.  Our deeds compound and whether or not we are following Jesus is the real point of it all.  Follow Jesus!

Lord, I do tolerate things in my midst because I think it is about me.  It is not.  It is about You.  Guide me Lord, no matter the cost. To be led by You in all things.  Help me to stand firm so that I am not bent in the wind by all of the Jezebels in this world.  Guard my mind and heart and help me to be a guard for the minds and hearts of others who are being led astray by those who are not looking to You.

Lord Jesus, You are the Savior.  You are the One who has accomplished all that is needed.  Lord, You are the Alpha and Omega.  These words are true and will come to pass as You have spoken them.  You love Your church enough to do all that is needed.  Help me dear Lord to live with Your leadership and be guided where You would have me go.  Lead me Lord and help me to always follow You.