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“Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God” (Revelation 4:5)

A reminder again to see what is said in terms of what you know.  All authority and power belong to God.  After all, He created everything.  Seven is the number of completion.  You are not yet complete, but one day you will be.  The Lord is creating You to be like Christ.  His work, His Spirit, is always moving all who are in Christ ever closer to completion; what we often say in this meaning is the word perfection.

Lord, it is You who is working in me.  Your Spirit moves and that movement causes me to move ever closer to You.  Guide me dear Lord ever closer to the spirit of Christ so that I may grow to be more like Him each day.  You have given me the power to become Your child.  Help me in that goal through Your grace so that I continue to walk the narrow path of salvation You have set before me.

Thank You my Lord and Savior for You have come to lead the way.  This life is filled with many mysteries, so of course I cannot know all things.  But, I can know You.  Open my eyes to see and my ears to hear as You speak the words of truth.  You are the burning light and the working revelation of God.  You are the One who has come and the One who will come again.  Lead me now and forever.  Amen.

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