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“He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne” (Revelation 3:21).

Sin, death, and the devil are to be overcome.  All of the temptations you encounter are to be overcome.  It is not battling the demons, but simply asking yourself, “What am I here for.”  The answer will either be, “For myself,” or, “For the Lord.”  Overcome the self and live as the Lord has designed you to live.  You are His, He made you, He bought You, and paid the price to redeem you.

Lord, I often make things so difficult.  I want to take with me things that do not matter and do not care about the things that do matter.  Help me to overcome this mixed up way of thinking so that I may think clearly and live the life You have given me to live.  Guide me Lord according to Your Word to seek You first and then know that the righteousness You give shall be added with all things that I need.

Lord Jesus, You do not ask us to do anything that You have not done.  You have paved the way.  You followed the Father’s plan and walked the journey overcoming all obstacles.  You carried Your cross for us all.  Help me to carry my cross and know that suffering comes with following You.  Guide me so that I do not stop walking the path, but overcome all that gets in the way of following You.  Amen.  

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