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“I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see” (Revelation 3:18).

The rich and haughty of this world are like the emperor with no clothes.  They think they have all that money can buy, when what they have is nothing.  Do not store up for yourself treasures in this world, but store up treasure in the Lord which will always be yours.  Wear the righteousness of Christ and be rich in the Word of the Lord.  The Lord has come to heal and to save that you may be with Him forever.

You know where I do not see and where I am in great need of Your covering Lord.  Help me to hear You as You speak so that I too may know and see Your hand of salvation rest upon me.  The journey of this life is not yet over.  I have not yet finished the race.  You know where I need the changes in my heart that conform to You.  Before me are those steps You know I need to take.  Lead me every step of the way so that I may walk as Your disciple.

Thank You Lord Jesus for Your goodness and mercy.  Lead me this day to walk with eyes open and a heart that longs for You.  Help me to not rest upon the things of this world, but to be guided by Your word of life.  Lead me Lord now and always to walk in the way of righteousness.  Guide me according to what You know I need so that I may now and always be rich in You through Your grace.  Amen.

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