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“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot” (Revelation 3:15).

Do you feel like reading this?  “Oh, I don’t know.”  How many times do you encounter others who are not one way or another?  The Lord does not want us to be wishy-washy, nor uncommitted, but willing to take a stand.  Yes, we will offend.  The Gospel is offensive.  But do not try to hold on to being conformed to this world.  It is futile, for there is no firm place to land.

Lord, only in You is there solid ground.  You told us to build upon You, the solid rock.  Help me to build upon a firm foundation and not to live according to the insanity of this world.  Lead me Lord not into opinions, but into Your word and then to stand firm upon what You say.  Help me so that my deeds affirm a solid commitment to You, doing those things which are pleasing in the Father’s sight.

Lord Jesus, help me to be hot for You and cold to the ways of the world.  Even when I am wrong, help me to remain committed to living the new life You have given me by grace.  Lord, take away from me any desire to be uncommitted, but instead live according to Your eternal principles.  Guide my deeds to be in harmony with Your leading so that I may walk the path You have laid before me.  Amen.

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