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“I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown” (Revelation 3:11).

We live four score years, plus or minus.  The scoffers say it has been too long.  What is four score years in the face of eternity?  Jesus is returning and it will come quickly.  The world is bent on taking away your faith.  It is easier to see now than it was even twenty years ago.  Either all of this is true, or else it is false.  If you believe, then what is adversity but an opportunity to learn more and become more like Jesus who lived a life on this earth filled with adversity.

Lord God, Maker of all things, You know that I like comfort.  I enjoy my daily routine and desire assurances in this life that I may continue on, but the world is pressing in.  Help me to live for You first and foremost no matter what comes.  Whether it is at the end of my few short years in this life, or Your return where everyone sees, help me to live preparing for the eternity You have promised me.

Savior of the world, You have sent Your Spirit to lead the way in the righteousness You give through grace.  Guide me this day to hold fast to the faith You have given me.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to understand and know that You have, are, and will save me through every time of trial.  I will fall, but You will pick me up.  Guide me today to do those things You place before me and help me to be faithful.  Amen.

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