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“Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come” (Revelation 2:25).

Many times in Scripture it tells us to hold fast, stand firm, or be unmoved by the things of this world.  We are not to be reactive, but know that the Lord of all creation knows exactly how things are going to turn out in every situation.  Replace every moment of doubt when you say, “Where are You Lord,” with,” “Lord, you are the ever-present support in time of need.”  The Lord is faithful.

Lord, I need to learn how to be faithful as You are faithful.  So much of what I call my faith is so conditional.  Guide me to learn from You how to endure all things for the sake of the unshakable hope You have given me by grace through faith.  Lead me so that I may walk this life in faith and live according to all the You have promised.  In You is all hope.  Teach me to hold fast always.

Lord Jesus, You marched intentionally to the cross in order to free us from sin and death.  Guide me in the way of grace that You have established so that I may truly stand firm and hold fast to Your never-changing word of truth.  Lead me this day and grow me to be more like You.  Implant in me faithfulness and a stalwart spirit that is unbending no matter what hot wind of this age is blowing.  Amen.

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