March 19, 2023, 4th Sunday in Lent Isaiah 42:14-21 (I will lead the blind by paths they don’t see) (ELW: 1 Samuel 16:1-13: Samuel anoints David) Psalm…
March 12, 2023, 3rd Sunday in Lent Exodus 17:1-7 (Israelites murmur against God, who gives water from the rock) Psalm 95: (We are the people of God’s pasture;…
March 5, 2023, 2nd Sunday in Lent Genesis 12:1-9 (God calls Abram, promises land and offspring) (ELW: Genesis 12:1-4a) Psalm 121 (From whence does my help come? The…
February 26, 2023, 1st Sunday in Lent Genesis 3:1-21 (The serpent tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God) (ELW: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7) Psalm 32:1-7 (Happy are they whose…
Prayers of the Church, Ash Wednesday (February 22, 2023) Joel 2:12-19 (Declare a fast; repent, pray) Psalm 51 (Create in me a clean heart!) 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 (Be reconciled to…
“Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate” (Revelation 2:6). It is not clear exactly who the Nicolaitans are. The ones…