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 “His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire” (Revelation 1:14).

John is describing what He saw.  We each form a mental picture from what is described.  The Holy One is timeless.  What does that look like?  He is the source of life and life exudes from Him.  The One who is, was, and always shall be is to be worshiped.  Do not be like the world and pass by Him for a few moments but be transformed by being in the presence of the One who made you.

Lord, forgive me for I often go about my life as though nothing matters except me.  Lead me away from such selfishness to live into the life You have given me through grace.  Guide me in Your goodness to see that in You alone is all hope.  The day will come when I stand before You.  Will what John is describing be what I see?  Help me to look to You and rejoice that I will see  Your glory.

Lord Jesus, You became one of us to lead us out of this age of wickedness and into the glorious company of the saints in light.  Guide me this day, O Lord, to live according to all that is good in Your sight.  Help me keep my eye upon You and not veer from the path You have laid before me.  In Your grace, continue to encourage me to live as I ought, learning and growing in Your likeness.  Amen.

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