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“[A]nd He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father – to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:6).

I suspect many often over-think the idea of what priesthood entails.  A priest is simply one who may draw near to God.  Have we all not been given that opportunity by grace through faith?  Jesus opened the way to approach God, so yes, we all are a priesthood of believers.  But this also does not take away from the Holy Spirit’s gifting us each according to the Father’s purpose.  Live into the purpose the Father has for you knowing that He is drawing all together in Him.

Lord, these two ideas are simple to understand, but I sometimes get them mixed up.  I can come to You anytime in prayer.  I no longer need a mediator.  But that does not mean that I do not need those who will lead me in a life of worship.  Guide me, Lord, so that I follow You in all of Your ways.  Help me overcome those obstacles that are in the way.  In Your providence, help me to follow Your directions.

Lord Jesus, You humbly walked the earth and told us that You did nothing except by the Father’s direction.  By Your example, help me to follow You as You lead.  All authority is Yours.  In You alone is salvation.  You are the way, truth, and life.  Guide me, Lord, so that I may continue to grow in Your grace and mercy.  Help me to be a dutiful member of the kingdom You are creating.  Amen.

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