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“Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe” (Jude 1:5).

The blessed assurance of salvation comes through faith and by grace.  The faith is in a person, not an idea or circumstance.  You are either walking with the Lord Jesus, or else you are not.  There is no in-between.  The Lord has already saved all who will believe.  The question for each one of us is whether we will trust in what Jesus has already done.  Are you fully trusting the salvation of Jesus?

Lord, You know the foolish doubts of every generation.  You know how difficult it is for us to walk by faith.  In this rebellious world, we delude ourselves by wanting to be in charge.  Help me, dear Lord, to humbly walk with You, my Savior and Maker.  Lead me to follow the Gospel way that You have already established and keep me from wandering.  Guide me to live knowing once and for all that You alone are Lord.

Lord Jesus, You did not come to this earth to teach us a few nice things.  You came humbly and endured humiliation for our sake.  You came that we might become like You.  Lead me, O Lord, so that I may grow into Your likeness each day.  Guide me according to Your promises so that I may forever hold fast to You Who gives me the hope that in You I have eternal life.  Amen.

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