Devotion for Tuesday, December 6, 2022

“[T]hen the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority” (2 Peter 2:9-10a).

We live in an age which seeks to indulge.  Rather than live for what is right, we seek and strive after things that do not matter.  Why live for what is temporary when all you need has already been provided through the goodness of the Lord.  Come into His presence and live into the life which He gives you by grace.  Know that in the Lord there is freedom from the wages of sin because of His grace and mercy.

Lord, we all are weighed down by the dissipation of sin.  You have died so that sin might not be held against me — not that I am free from sin, but freed from what sin does.  Help me to live into the life to which You call me knowing that only in You is there hope and a future.  Let me no longer strive after the things of the flesh but seek earnestly that Your will be done in my life.  Help me respect Your authority in willing obedience.

Lord Jesus, all authority and power belong to You.  The striving for power in this age is an illusion.  Help me to understand this and live according to Your goodness and mercy.  Lead me today and, where I am tempted by things of the flesh which would hinder my walk, guide me to avoid them.  Where I am free to do good things, grant me wisdom to do them.  In all things, give me confidence to stand firm in You through the faith You have given me.  Amen.