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“For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

We do well to listen when the Lord uses those whom He chooses to speak.  Listen to the word of the Lord and hear what He gives you to hear.  Know that in Him is life and true liberty.  He will guide you in all of your ways.  He will lift you up out of the pit.  He who is sovereign will do these things.  Come into the admonition and comfort of the Lord and live according to His word and promise.

Lord, You spoke through the prophets of old.  In these last days, You have spoken through Your Son.  Guide me, O Lord, in the truth Your prophets have spoken in order  that I would understand both those who speak for You as well as those who speak for themselves.  With discerning ears, let me hear the difference, rejoicing in Your word of prophecy being spoken for all ages and rejecting false prophets.

Lord Jesus, everything I need to know You have already taught me.  Guide me in the way of truth Lord, that I would forever hold fast to truth.  Keep me in all truth and let me never be led astray.  Lead me now and forever so that I may hear what is good and right and not be led astray by false teachers.  Lord, You have given me the words of everlasting life.  Help me to keep in the way of true life always.  Amen.

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