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“For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:10b-11).

You may have difficulties.  Jesus promised that you would.  What this means is that you will stay on the right path if you follow your call.  You will come to know that everything really is in the Father’s hands.  Do not live dependent upon your ability alone but come into the hope you have because you were called by the Lord into His power and authority.  The Savior has done all that is needed for your salvation.

Lord, help me understand that I cannot depend upon myself for these things, but upon You alone.  You have saved me.  I have not saved myself.  Guide me in the salvation You prepared for me long before I came upon this earth.  You have done these things for Your purpose and You have called me into that purpose.  Help me to live now and forever in the goodness of Your grace and mercy.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the goodness of Your grace.  You paid the price so that all who have been called into Your grace may walk in Your mercy and be conformed to Your image.  Lead me this day, Lord, in order that I would now and forever be guided by You and not falter, but receive the rich welcome You have prepared for all of the faithful.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for opening the kingdom to Your children.  Amen.

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