Devotion for Saturday, November 12, 2022
“Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Peter 1:2).
What do you know of tomorrow? We are limited in knowledge of unfolding events, but we can know the One through whom all events have been made possible. Do not focus upon yourself, but upon the One who was, is, and shall be. In one hundred years, what will all of this matter? If you are in the Lord, then You know that all things are heading toward their culmination in Him.
Lord, I become troubled with the unfolding events of this world, but they will amount to nothing in eternity. Guide me, Lord, to look to You, for only in You is there real being, true existence. You have given me the knowledge of salvation for You are Salvation. Lead me in the abundant life You give by grace so that I may abound in the knowledge of the truth and purpose of Your presence. Grant me grace and peace.
Lord Jesus, You had to live in a human body for me. You had to take up my cross for me. You had to die for me. You have given me knowledge of these things. Help me to live in the truth of that knowledge You have revealed once for all time. Guide me to be at peace with all others knowing that You have made peace for the world which the unrighteous cannot understand. But those who are in You are given wisdom to understand. Help me to live in that peace. Amen.