Devotion for Wednesday, October 19, 2022

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:5).

When we focus upon loving another, we begin to pay attention to who they are.  Ask others what they are thinking.  Do not assume that you know.  Who knows us but the Lord?  We do not even know ourselves truly, but the Lord knows us.  Come then and live into the life which trusts the Lord and learns humbly from Him how to love others.  God is love and He invites us into His love for all eternity.

Lord, there are many things about life that puzzle me, but I am able to understand the simplicity of loving my neighbor.  Guide me Lord in the way of love so that I would learn from You how to love more fully.  Teach me to go beyond myself and look to the other to see how I may help and serve them.  Lord, You know all that is needed for me to do these things.  Thank You for providing what is needed.

Dear Lord Jesus, You so loved us that You came down from heaven for all of those who would come through Your grace to be forever united in love with You.  Guide me dear Lord so that today I would pay attention to those around me and serve them.  Continue to teach me how to love as You love.  Guide me each step of the way to move in the upward calling of loving You and my neighbor.  Keep me in Your grace to enable me to move forward.  Amen.