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“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?  But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened” (1 Peter 3:13-14).

When you stand up for truth, it will cost.  The world is filled with those who want what they want and they will act in wickedness to try and get it.  We are tempted to look the other way to maintain peace, but that is no peace.  Do not be led by the world or its evil, but by the Lord and His goodness.  You are blessed when the world reviles you because of the One who saves you.

Lord, it is so hard when all you want is for us to get along with You and others.  Lead me, Lord, in order that I may worship You and truly have You in the top position in my life.  Even if that means that I suffer because of it, guide me to do the right and godly thing.  Lead me so that I would forever hold fast to Your Word of truth.  Lead me and help me to never fear, for You are always with me.

Lord Jesus, You walked the way of suffering so that all who come to You for Your salvation would be assured in the hope that only You can give.  Guide me this day and help me to forever hold fast to Your goodness and mercy.  The world threatens; You give hope and promises.  The world hates; You love.  The world is temporary; You are forever.  Help me to trust in You always.  Amen.

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