Devotion for Tuesday, September 20, 2022

“When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2:23).

Our Lord is so great that He alone Is able to receive all the insults which still rail against Him and yet He continues to love us.  If you consider that He has done this for us, should you and I not consider that maybe this is the better way to live.  Come then and see the goodness of the Lord and seek His way of living while you can.  He who judges justly will enable you to love.

Lord, You know how angry this world is.  Lead me in all righteousness so that I would now and always be led by You to not only see these things, but to look to You to do what You would do.  Guide me in the upward way always to act upon what I know is right.  Teach me to not retaliate, even in my mind.  You are the perfect judge, and You will bring all things together for Your sake.

Come Lord Jesus and lead me in the way of loving.  I know how to insult and how to hurl them, but I need Your guidance to abstain from them so that I would learn to love even my enemies.  Lead me, dear Lord, in the way You have walked so that I would learn to bear all things You have given me knowing that Your purpose in me is being fulfilled.  Guide me now and always for Your sake.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, September 19, 2022

“He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth” (1 Peter 2:22)

Neither you nor I could ever take this claim as our own, but it is the prize to strive for.  Living the godly life isn’t about being perfect, but about striving to be like Christ.  Indeed, He knew no sin, but He became our sin on the cross.  He carried our burdens that otherwise would have crushed us.  Do not be disheartened.  Everything you need has already been provided.  He who knows you leads the way.

Lord, because there was no deceit in your mouth I can trust everything You say.  This world is filled with deceit.  Train me so that when I do not know where to turn, I turn to You.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to learn how to live and love as You lived and as You love.  Lead me in the upward way that I would not sin nor deceit be found in my mouth.

Lord Jesus, You have come, the heavy hitter, to clear the way for me to follow You in learning how to live a godly life.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way of living such that I do not sin nor let deceit come out of my mouth.  Lord, You know the work that is needed to accomplish these things.  Lead me in running the race to finish the course that I may become more like You in all things.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, September 18, 2022

“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps” (1 Peter 2:21).

Our contemporary culture has bought into the lie that if the Lord loves you, all will be well: that, or there is no God and we’re prosperous anyway.  So we send happy thoughts to one another in a grand illusion.  Christ suffered in this world of sin because sinful people hate righteousness.  If you follow Christ, you will suffer for His Name’s sake.  You then become an example of the suffering that happens because of sin.

Lord, let me not fall into the trap of thinking that all will be well if all goes well, You have said that I would be blessed if I was persecuted for Your name’s sake.  When I suffer in this way, I begin to sip of the sea you drank for me.  Lead me, O Lord, in the right way of living such that even if I do suffer, it is because of You and the Good News of the Gospel.  Help me to persevere.

Lord Jesus, for all of our sakes, You suffered death on the cross.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way of life, teaching me to stand fast knowing that there are those who will hate me because of You.  Through thick and thin, grant me the fortitude to forever hold fast to the truth You have revealed once for all.  In Your goodness, lead me according to the Father’s will to lead a life that follows You no matter what.  Amen.  

Devotion for Saturday, September 17, 2022

“But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God” (1 Peter 2:20).

Be careful with the path of self-justification. It may lead you astray into pride. But truly, if you are being persecuted for Jesus’ sake, then endure it with fortitude.  But if it is deserved, be quick to repent and be led by the Spirit of the Lord.  He who is faithful will lead you in His goodness  through all circumstances.  Come to Him and be led by His grace and not by what you think or feel.

Lord, You must lead, for I do not understand the full truth of any situation.  When it is time, lead me to look to You and if persecuted, to persevere through all that may come my way.  This life is a struggle, and You are the Lord of all.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of eternal life so that I may now and forever be led by what is right and true.  Help me in every circumstance to go where You lead.

Lord Jesus, You know what it is to be persecuted for no reason at all.  You suffered beating and death for our sake.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth so that I may now and always be guided by Your goodness and mercy.  Help me for Your name’s sake to walk in the humble way of serving You in others.  Through all things, teach me to persevere in order that I may indeed become more like You in all things.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 16, 2022

“For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God” (1 Peter 2:19).

If you are receiving what is due for bad behavior, what is that?  If you give and others know and applaud you, what is that?  The Lord is teaching us how to endure through the suffering of this world.  Too many fold at the first hint of suffering.  It is not about you, but about Him.  The Lord is the One who made us and we are to learn to honor Him no matter what.  Suffering is a part of what will happen in this age.

Lord, there are many places in Scripture where You teach me that I will suffer.  If I suffer because of my own misdeeds, that is one thing, but if I suffer because of You, help me learn how to patiently endure so that I may continue in the upward path of learning to love as You love.

Lord Jesus, You know the struggle.  You walked amongst those who were hating You every step of the way.  You endured all the way to the cross where they heaped upon You their final indignation, which was Your plan all along.  Guide me to follow Your footsteps in order that I would go where You want me to go and not where I want to go.  Help me learn from You gentle Savior.  Amen.  

September 2022 Newsletter

Devotion for Thursday, September 15, 2022

“Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh” (1 Peter 2:18).

The principle is true today.  Bosses, co-workers, and all those with whom you interact are the ones whom you treat with respect.  If it helps, simply think in terms that the other is also a precious one for whom the Lord died.  Do not treat others in reaction to how they treat you but treat them as bearers of the image of God.  We all have been created in the image of God.  This, in part, is what it means to love your neighbor.

Lord, I am a bundle of self-centered nervousness.  I do not react emotionally to others as I should.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way of truth so that I would learn to simply treat others as Your beloved and not neurotically.  Teach me to be a willing servant in every circumstance and to forgive when others do not treat me as I am treating them.  I know that suffering produces endurance.  Help me learn how to endure.

Lord Jesus, my hope is in the salvation You have given me by grace.  Guide me this day to be and act impartially well to all in how I treat them.  Whether they be harsh to me or not, teach me to be Your willing servant, learning to love my neighbor as You love me.  Through all these things, guide me in the upward way in order that I would hold fast to Your goodness and mercy and see You face to face.  Help me become one in whom You are well pleased.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, September 14, 2022

“Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:17).

What can be added to this list?  It is a great list, but many do not do this.  Oh, there is respect in these things for some.  There is love for some.  There is honor if it is a Caesar that you admire.  But these things are decided by the self and not applied in the whole.  Scripture is teaching us that uniformity is important.  We do not get to choose who our neighbor is.  Everyone means everyone and not just a few.

Lord, I may not like it when it feels like You are taking it to the extreme; but I am the one who is extreme.  I want to pick and choose.  But I am not You, who makes all the rules.  Dear Lord, lead me out of this mess to live in You.  Guide me out of my desire to be in control in order that You would be the One who leads my life.  I do not know how, but You do.  You must be the One who leads me.

Lord Jesus, You taught us that You did nothing on Your own but spoke the words the Father gave You to speak.  So also, lead me to not try to figure out my own words, but  speak the words the Father gives me to speak.  Lead me to learn what it means to always be faithful.  Lead me to learn how to love everyone, being honorable and always loving in all circumstances.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, September 13, 2022

“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves” (1 Peter 2:16).

How often are you influenced to do what the world wants you to do because you do not want them to see you in the freedom Christ has given you?  If you smoke or drink that simply means that you smoke or drink.  But there are all kinds of attitudes surrounding these things.  Live knowing that you are always in the Lord’s presence.  Not in fear, but in truth that you do what is pleasing to Him.

Lord, You know those places where I do these things.  Guide me, dear Lord, to see them as they are and come into the place where it is You whom I seek to please.  Keep me from the incessant conformity of this world so that I may spend my time and energy being conformed to the image of Christ.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of truth.  You have redeemed me and I am Yours now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You know how constraining the wickedness of this world is.  I struggle each day to live in the freedom You give me.  Guide me dear Lord so that I would not be bound by the things of this world but transformed by the renewing of my mind in You.  Lead me according to Your mercy to not use my liberty for sordid gain, but to learn to become like You in all things.  Amen. 

Igniting Renewal Through Mission

(How ‘City Mission’ was Born, Part 2)

Editor’s Note: K. Craig Moorman is an NALC pastor of River’s Edge Ministries in Maryland and is a member of the board of Lutheran CORE. Pr. Moorman encourages you to read Part 1 of his article as background for Part 2. Click here to read Part 1 which was published in July of 2022.

Amid our first City Mission in April of 2014, the temperature dropped dramatically and unexpectedly to a bone-chilling 19°. Our base of operations was a 30’ x 50’ tent—we were not in the comfort, warmth, and familiarity of a church setting. This is how City Mission was born. It was an important moment of discovery, more of a blessed eureka moment, when we stumbled upon a basic truth: Renewal is ignited through mission. Now I am inviting you to engage in a missional experience that could reinvigorate the life of your congregation and bring you a season of refreshment and renewal.

Although I’m sharing a first-hand account of one such experience, City Mission, many of you have also been immersed into the mission field. You might recall how it revealed the heart of Jesus and His Gospel, a face-to-face encounter with the Cross. Oftentimes, there is a severe shaking from the core of our being when a reprioritization of our living takes place—new Christ-centered values emerge, a greater hope is gained, and renewal of body, heart, mind, and soul settles in.

These past two and a half years of navigating through a global pandemic and utter cultural turmoil have diminished our emotional capacity, made us more prone to discouragement and vulnerable to despair. And, if that’s not enough, let’s pile on the usual daily grind and throw in more critical personal matters, some unresolved and unattended to. All of this leads us not to “green pastures” and “still waters” but, instead, a wanting and a desperate longing for peace and a renewal by the Spirit.

Therefore, I humbly invite you to engage in Gospel-centered mission. My hope is that it will serve as an antidote for what is ailing each of us individually, our churches/communities, and even the nation. I believe making such a commitment and engaging in Christ’s Kingdom work will be the catalyst for this reprioritization that I spoke of previously. It can move us out of our lethargy, pre-occupations and distractions, misappropriations, and missteps, etc. AND gently (and graciously) push us in the opposite direction. Might this be repentance? I believe mission can significantly help us to get unstuck and experience such a metamorphosis … renewal! A calling back into the mission field will place us right at the foot of the cross, from death to resurrection. What a gift.

In my earlier article, “How ‘City Mission’ was Born, Part 1,” I wrote of how City Mission developed from another missional outreach ministry called Cross Country Mission. You may remember that CORE is an acronym for (Lutheran) Coalition for Renewal and bringing elements of ‘renewal’ to the broader Lutheran community has long been a part of our vision. Practically speaking, I pray that this article will bring you personal renewal and help reignite your passion for mission and bring it back to the center of the conversation.

Again, amidst our first City Mission in April of 2014, the temperature dropped dramatically and unexpectedly to a bone-chilling 19 degrees. Our base of operations was a 30’ x 50’ tent—we were not in the comfort, warmth, and familiarity of a church setting. This is how it all began. It was cold, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and a little chaotic. Believe me, it was neither perfectly planned nor executed! We have since unofficially adopted a guiding principle, “Expect the unexpected … and see what God does.” This has been freeing on so many levels!

Later that same day and into the evening hours, after all our 50-60 participants/leaders retired for the night, either commuting back to their homes or to their scattered tents, Brother Ray and I moved back into the quiet of the big tent and sat down on a couple of bales of hay. I’ll never forget my dear friend looking up, with tears in his eyes and saying, “It just doesn’t get any better than this.” There we were, both in our late fifties, tired, worn down, cold, etc., but completely content and at peace. And yet I couldn’t help but wonder why Ray had spoken those words. I’ve been thinking about Ray’s statement for the last eight years. Something miraculous had happened and Ray knew it but at the time could not articulate it.

But what was it—what made his statement true? In a nutshell I believe we witnessed the Church operating as Jesus intended. He gave us a foretaste of the feast to come.

In the following paragraphs I talk more about City Mission and what we have learned from each event. These ‘take aways’ have morphed into lessons learned that are the building blocks for how City Mission operates and lives out its mission. I believe these lessons are transferable to others pursuing and engaged in mission in other congregational settings.

First, since our original disaster relief mission to Biloxi, Mississippi (post-Hurricane Katrina), in November of 2005, it’s been a priority of River’s Edge to help those who have been through the storm, be it a hurricane, flood, tornado, human-generated catastrophe, or just the difficulties of life. Our initial efforts came through Cross Country Mission and then through City Mission. City Mission was designed to engage the local parish in its own back yard.

Our City Mission base of operations is a 14-acre landbase situated just 20 minutes from downtown Baltimore. I would describe it not so much as ‘disaster relief’ but ‘urban relief’ because it involves cleaning up trash and litter, building out construction-related projects, landscaping, clearing of land, painting, gardening, and preparing meals. Your base of operations may be in your church building/campus or elsewhere.

One benefit of City Mission is that little traveling is needed. We intentionally identify and engage in mission on a regular and more localized basis. Too, it’s typically less costly and feels more like a camp, retreat, workshop, and worship gathering all rolled into one. Another unique characteristic of City Mission is that its ‘success’ does not depend solely on River’s Edge Ministries, nor does it look just like our church. This is most obvious during the evenings as we gather a large group for a meal, fellowship, and worship. In that gathering, a multitude of individuals are involved in food planning/prep, music, and speaking/preaching. This, then, is a gathering of the larger Church.

Second, our ‘take aways,’ now reflecting our core values, enable us to remain faithful and effective in establishing a Kingdom-oriented, repeatable, missional experience called City Mission. Establishing, implementing, and fine-tuning the following three specific components has been critical in contributing to the development and effectiveness of City Mission:

  1. Networking with Local Community Organizations and Leaders—We have been intentional in networking with community organizations and leaders who are based in the mission field we serve, thus reflecting a more authentic heart, mind and will of the community.
    • One of the unexpected blessings of this decision is that it allowed us to work more interactively with many different groups/folks, crossing racial boundaries. This foundational core value has revealed the power and efficacy of working directly with those who already have ‘boots on the ground,’ moving us beyond the familiarity of just our building and resources to work cooperatively with others who are well established and respected in the region.
    • This bridge-building has created ‘natural’ relationship development with a vast array of people from many different backgrounds intimately involved with City Mission (i.e., the Baltimore Ravens, Towson University Gospel Choir, Helping Up Mission, Baltimore City Community Organizers, etc.) gathering together, literally, under one tent. The outcome of such intentionality has been nothing less than miraculous!
  2. Building an Alliance of Multi-denominational Churches—Certainly, there is a place for Lutherans doing life/mission together; after all, this is what many of us are most acquainted with. But there is an even greater place and need to invite and gather the broader Church to do life together and share in the mission of Christ’s Church, especially in these challenging days. City Mission has been a highly effective and faithful conduit to bring the body of Christ together. This includes many different speakers, music, denominations, etc., from many different backgrounds, all bound up in ‘orthodoxy’ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s all about His work, His justice, His compassion, and His mission … with no other agenda! Let us, as the Church, carry the narrative for the day and not allow others (with a radically different agenda and cause) to fill that void!
    • After nearly a decade of building out this mission, it is a joy to share that we’ve had dozens of different churches from the various streams of the Church (Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal) participate in City Mission representing many denominational backgrounds including River’s Edge Ministries, GraceWay International Community Church, Wilkens Avenue Mennonite Church, The Transformation Center, Mt. Union Lutheran Church, East Baltimore Graffiti Church, Baltimore Rescue Mission, Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. Timothy’s Ordinariate Catholic Church, and many more.
    • As a result of such broad-base missional effort, we have become much more united and effective as a ministry. In the High Priestly Prayer found in John 17, we hear Jesus praying to the Father, specifically that we—the Church—may be united, “… that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me” (v. 23)As a ministry, we are committed to pursuing such a vision for this hour.  
  3. Creating a Base of Multi-generational Participation—Quite often it seems that youth ministry ‘programs’ are built on dynamism and the personality of a particular youth leader. The problem with this model is that everything hinges on that leader, including the availability of time and resources. Over the past decade or so, and as a lead pastor in at least three different congregational settings, I have taken a much different approach in overseeing/leading youth ministry/young adults. It has never been centered on the charisma of a youth leader. There is always a component of intentional discipleship and participation in mission. And even more importantly, parents and other older adults are almost always involved in this process. It seems that the presence of the older generation has produced a younger generation that is much better equipped and more deeply grounded. This model has been especially effective in City Mission.

Finally, on a more personal note, an unexpected (and invaluable) outcome from both the Cross Country Mission and City Mission experiences has been the immense even life-changing impact upon my children. I’ll never forget interviewing for a call with about twelve adults present, nearly all of them parents, telling me that none of their children were attending church and certainly not in any type of relationship with Christ. I remember feeling extraordinarily sad. Then they asked me about my children, church life, and God. They were shocked when I expressed to them that all five of my kids were not only involved ‘in church’ but had a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. And, almost without hesitation, I said this was due to exposing them to the mission field beginning with our time in Biloxi, MS, after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and beyond.

Over the years, City Mission has impacted many hearts and minds for the sake of the Kingdom. If you’ve ever witnessed the catastrophic devastation in the aftermath of a hurricane, flood or tornado, you’ll understand that the sights, sounds, smells and stories get in your belly—take up residence in your heart and minds—and never leave you the same. A calling to step into the mess inevitably surfaces and mission ensues. I suppose this is called compassion. Compassion seems to be that thing which drives our mission, which allows us to participate in events much larger than ourselves and our own worlds. Our lives are forever altered!

Our next City Mission is slated for May of 2023. It would be our honor to welcome you to our Missional Life Center and to host and house you for this event. It’s an opportunity for you to ‘test the waters’ surrounding City Mission. Or we’d be privileged to head in your direction to provide training at your base of operations.

The essence of this communique is to encourage you anew, as a brother or sister in Christ, to simply engage in mission … to at least do something regarding mission … and then make it a regular part of the ebb and flow of life. This is how renewal can be ignited and your life restored. May your life be renewed … for the living of these most challenging and historically significant days.

Just this past spring, I asked our young adult, post-high school group (many of whom have participated in City Mission since their middle/high school years) to describe City Mission in just a few words. Ben, one of our ‘veterans’ who is now 24 years of age said, “City Mission is a raw and unfiltered experience of what it means to be the Church.” Truly such a youthful and unspoiled understanding of the nature of the church can replenish and enable us to embrace how mission can spark renewal.