Devotion for Thursday, September 22, 2022

“For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls” (1 Peter 2:25).

When we are not following the Lord, we are wandering.  We were never meant to do life on our own.  The hunger in us is for the Lord.  Do not live as those who have no hope or direction, but live following the Lord of your soul.  The one who created you must be the One who oversees the direction of your soul.  It is He who saves us and not we ourselves.  Come into His salvation.

Lord, You know the places where I resist You and do not come into the salvation You have prepared for us in the sight of all people — not only me, but all of those who will follow You.  Guide me this day to walk in the newness of life you give so that I may now and forever by guided by You, the One who is the guardian of our souls.  Lead me, Good Shepherd, in the way of everlasting life.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all of your goodness and mercy.  By Your grace, lead me as You know I need to be led.  You are Lord and I am a sheep in Your hands.  You know where I need to go and what needs to happen.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way of everlasting life in order that I would now and forever be guided by You, the Good Shepherd.  You are the Shepherd of my soul and I shall not want.  Amen.