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“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves” (1 Peter 2:16).

How often are you influenced to do what the world wants you to do because you do not want them to see you in the freedom Christ has given you?  If you smoke or drink that simply means that you smoke or drink.  But there are all kinds of attitudes surrounding these things.  Live knowing that you are always in the Lord’s presence.  Not in fear, but in truth that you do what is pleasing to Him.

Lord, You know those places where I do these things.  Guide me, dear Lord, to see them as they are and come into the place where it is You whom I seek to please.  Keep me from the incessant conformity of this world so that I may spend my time and energy being conformed to the image of Christ.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of truth.  You have redeemed me and I am Yours now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You know how constraining the wickedness of this world is.  I struggle each day to live in the freedom You give me.  Guide me dear Lord so that I would not be bound by the things of this world but transformed by the renewing of my mind in You.  Lead me according to Your mercy to not use my liberty for sordid gain, but to learn to become like You in all things.  Amen. 

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