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After two consecutive pandemic cancellations, the Inter-Lutheran Hispanic-Latino Ministry Encuentro will take place again on Saturday, October 15th, 2022, 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. in Chicago’s Hermosa Neighborhood, offering a day of learning, worship, resource sharing and fellowship at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 2101 N. Kildare Avenue (at Dickens), on Chicago’s northwest side.  Free off-street parking is available.

Celebrating its 30th Anniversary, the Bilingual Ministry Resource Center (based in Joliet and Chicago) will co-sponsor the Encuentro with Lutheran CORE. A complimentary bilingual resource packet will be given to all participants.  Resource materials in the packets are curated from a variety of suppliers, including:  Concordia Publishing House, Augsburg Fortress, American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Liturgy Training Publications, Editorial Avance Luterana and others.

The Rev. Dr. Maxwell Johnson – Presenter at the October 15th Encuentro

Returning as the day’s presenter will be the Rev. Dr. Maxwell Johnson, ELCA pastor and professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. His highly regarded lectures and publications address sacramental theology, worship and liturgy.  The Virgin of Guadalupe: Theological Reflections of an Anglo-Lutheran  Liturgist (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002) and his subsequent lectures and articles have timely application at this time, given the recent impact of spiritual and cultural insensitivities of denominational leaders towards an ELCA Latino mission in Stockton CA.

Dr. Johnson will present two lectures at the Encuentro.  The morning session is entitled Reclaiming the Eucharist and the Great Thanksgiving in Contemporary Lutheran Worship.   Following a resource fair, lunch and mid-day prayer, an afternoon talk will be given:  The Virgin Mary in Liturgy, Doctrine and Life. Ample time for responses and discussion will follow each presentation.

The Reverend Dennis Nelson of Scottsdale AZ, Director, will provide an update on the ministry of Lutheran CORE.

As in past years, the Encuentro will be valued by clergy and lay leaders with long years of experience in bilingual / bicultural contexts as well as by those exploring or recently entering this field of ministry.  One-on-one Spanish liturgy read-throughs, avenues for evangelical outreach and resources for language learning will be the focus of anticipated workshops.  The 2022 Encuentro will conclude with 5:00pm Vespers with Prayers for Peace in the City.  An optional dinner outing in the city will follow.

There is no cost for the Encuentro, as expenses are covered by a grant from Lutheran CORE and its member, hosting congregation, St. Timothy Lutheran Church – ELCA.

Registration is requested by October 4th.  Contact Pr. Keith Forni, convener at (815 600 3030) or Joel Awes, registrar, at (773 398 0564), 2101 N. Kildare Avenue, Chicago IL 60639.  Lodging locations can be recommended.

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