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“For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people” (1 Peter 2:15).

What a powerful truth to put into effect.  This requires the understanding that through perseverance, God will do what is necessary both for you and for those who oppose His will.  Do not cease to do good and learn to endure.  The ignorant are always with us and they will continue to talk foolishly, but do not tire of looking to the Lord and seeking what would please Him.

Lord, help me to always look to You so that I may see what You would have me do.  Open my ears to hear when You speak in order that I may obey Your command.  Through all that happens in this world, may I be guided by Your goodness and mercy and not react to the wickedness of this world.  Keep foolish talk from my lips in order that I may not be unwise, but live as one in Your light.

Come Holy Spirit and lead me so that I may walk as You navigate the way before me through the difficult times of this age.  Help me when I stumble and help my focus to be upon You, for on my own I do not know what to do.  Lead me in the way of everlasting life.  Guide me according to Your goodness and mercy in order that I may now and always be found doing good.  Let others see my good works and turn to You.  Amen.

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