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“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,  now that you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2:2-3).

How important is good teaching and preaching?  You have heard it said that you are what you eat.  Too many will settle for the junk food of this age and not do the work to grow in Christ.  You were not called in timidity, but in the truth of Christ.  Come now and live into the life which is yours in Him and no longer tarry with the elemental things of this world.  Begin with milk and you will grow to eat the meat of the word.

Lord, You know where my self-assessment gets in the way.  You know where I need work.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the way You know I need to go.  Help me to see that in You alone is there all hope.  I came into this world a new-born baby but help me leave this world with maturity in You.  Guide me as only You can and enable me to follow You in all Your ways.

Thank You Lord Jesus for preparing the way of salvation.  Lead me according to Your goodness to do what is right and helpful this day in the cause of growing in You.  According to Your will, lift me up and mature me so that I may grow into this salvation You have given me.  May I now and always be found walking in Your ways.  Thank You, Lord, for preparing the way before me that I need to go.  Amen.

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