Devotion for Sunday, August 21, 2022

“[O]btaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1:9).

You know that many seem to live as though salvation were an insurance policy, or product warranty that one obtains rather than a way of life.  The outcome of faith is salvation.  The object of faith is the Lord Jesus.  Our hope is that He will conform us to His image as He makes of us what we will become.  The Lord is preparing those who come into the light to live as we were created to live.

Lord, help me see through the anxieties of this age which demand instant results, expecting self-centered guarantees.  Lead me into living the life You have given me by Your grace and guide me according to Your example to see that I am prepared for what is to come.  Help me now and always that I may look to You in faith and live as one who believes Your promises.  Strengthen me in the faith You have given me.

Lord Jesus, You have freed me to overcome the obstacles that I could never overcome on my own to live into the life that I cannot obtain on my own.  Help me to see that You are my hope and that only in You are these things possible.  Help me, Lord Jesus, today and each day You give me so that I may move forward in this grace You have given me.  May the result of my faith be my salvation.  Amen.