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“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months” (James 5:17).

None of us has extraordinary powers.  The Lord has all power and authority.  We are called to come into the community which is Trinity and live out our lives of faith in the Father’s will and to His glory.  Elijah was just like us and in his example, we are to live lives of faith.  Come live the life of faith You have been given and be encouraged according to the measure of grace given you.

The Lord has said that His grace is sufficient.  Walk in that grace and be led to live out His purpose in your life now and forever.  Be guided by the Lord and not by the world.  Live in the community and do not lament that it is not what you want.  The Lord has given you everything you need.  Be content with your portion and do not hesitate to pray and hear as the Lord answers.

Come, Holy Spirit, and kindle in me the spirit of willingness to do what is right.  Guide me in the grace You give so that I would be a person of prayer.  Lead me according to Your goodness to see that in You alone is all hope, for all authority is Yours.  Stir my heart to want doing what You give me to do and then, move me to actually do it.  In and through all things, grow in me a willing and contrite heart.  Amen.

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