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“Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17).

Here is where you see that to be ignorant is a sin.  Naivety is not knowing.  Ignorance is to ignore what you have been taught and should know.  When you know something is right and you ignore it, it is a sin.  That is why the saying, “Ignorance is no excuse.”  The Lord calls for us to be diligent and aware.  The Lord asks us to seek righteousness all the days of our life.  Come then into the Lord’s presence and do as He would have you do.

Lord, You know those places where I ignore what is right.  Help me understand so that in You I may have all hope and a future.  Let me not ignore what is going on around me, but be a willing participant in living in the truth You have shown me.  Guide me into the work You have given me to do and then help me to live out my call according to Your good purposes, for in You alone is there all fulfillment.

Lord Jesus, You came to accomplish our salvation.  You did not ignore what needed to be done but did all that was needed.  Help me to live into the life to which You have called me so that I would not ignore those things around me which I see and know that I can do something  about, doing what I can in the face and fact of this evil age.  Lead me, Lord and then, by Your Spirit, help me to follow You always in and through all You give me to do.  Amen.

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