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“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8).

The intent of the heart is the direction of life.  The one who desires to be close to God will be and the one who draws away cannot be.  The Lord will draw near to those who desire it.  Is this not true of most things?  You must want it for it to happen?  Life does not just happen, there is design and purpose.  Draw near to God and God will run to meet you like a “prodigal son”.

For this to happen, one needs to live in the way the Lord intends for us to live.  The Ten Commandments are a good place to start.  But more than this, it goes back to the intent of the heart.  One who desires to be close to the Lord needs to move in that direction.  You cannot pretend in this matter.  You cannot just do it on the outside.  It must come from within.

Lord Jesus, You have made possible the way of life, that is, eternal life with You.  By the power of Your Spirit, kindle in me the desire to be whom You are making me to be.  Kindle in me the will to walk in Your ways.  Lead me through Your grace to live this kind of life from the inside out and no longer be double-minded.  Lead me Lord in the way You know I need to be led in order to walk humbly with You.  Amen.

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