Devotion for Sunday, July 17, 2022

“You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures” (James 4:3).

What is your motivation?  Is it to get ahead and be what you want to be?  Why do you seek after what may you think is right when the One who made all things has called you to Himself?  Come then and stop playing the world’s game and start living into the life to which you have been called through faith.  He who made you knows you better than you know yourself.  Come to Him and see.

Lord, I follow after the world and the words of Jesus are true for me, “Did you think of that yourself, or have others told you?”  How often I am influenced by who knows what.  Help me Lord not to be influenced by who knows what, but to be led by You.  Guide me into the way of everlasting life in order that I may now and always be led by You and the goodness of Your thoughts and words.

Dear Jesus, You said, “Not my will but Thine be done.”  Help me to live this way so that I may receive Your righteousness knowing that all else that is needed will come along after I receive Your righteousness.  Lead me, O Lord, today and every day so that I may grow a little more to be like You.  Help me see what You are giving me that I may rejoice and be glad.  Guide me, Lord, now and always, in Your goodness.  Amen.