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“You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2).

To ask the Lord is to be in communication with Him.  It is not a matter of telling the Lord what you want and expecting Him to do as you wish.  That is not prayer.  It is asking, “Lord, what would You have me do?”  We want, but why?  Who has the Lord made us to be?  Are we pursuing what He has given us to pursue?  Do we look to the Lord and ask for Him to provide what we need?

Lord, You do provide what is needed whether I ask for it or not.  You provide for everyone.  Yet the world goes on hating You and seeking for its own.  Lead me in the right direction so that I would live into the life You have given me by faith.  Guide me to be in communion with You and not quarrel over what I do or do not have.  You have given so much.  Lead me into You.

Lord and Master, dear Jesus, You came to us humble and, worldly speaking, without anything.  You who have everything gave that up to become nothing so that we who have nothing would gain access to You and eternity and have everything.  Lead me into prayer and communion so that I may ask rightly for what You know I need.  Guide me according to the Father’s purposes.  Amen.

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