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“This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic” (James 3:15).

Learning how to mask our issues is what the world teaches.  That, and learning how to seem normal when you are doing wickedness.  It may be self-control as far as the world is concerned, but it is wickedness as far as the Lord is concerned.  Do not be double-minded, but set your mind on seeking what is right in the eyes of the Lord.  Look to Him and he will remove what needs to be removed.

Lord, You are the One who created me and You know all things.  Guide me, Lord, so that I may now and always be guided by You, my Lord and my God.  Where I do have ideas in conflict within me, remove the evil and strengthen the good.  Through all things, help me to understand and be a willing participant in Your goodness.  Keep my eyes upon You, O Lord, and lead me the way I need to go to become more like You.

Lord Jesus, You are the example for us all.  Help me today as I walk through the mire of this world.  Keep my heart in the right place, and in those places where the world tempts me to be double-minded, lead me away from that temptation and into truth.  You have set me free from sin and death, now free me from the inside out to be Yours forever.  Thank You Lord for doing all that is needed that this may be done.  Amen.

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