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“But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison” (James 3:8).

No one can tame the tongue.  Listen, our faith is not based upon self-control.  You just can’t do it.  But at just the right time, the One who can has come along so that You can follow Him as He cures the ills endemic in us all and heals our sinfulness by replacing it with godliness.  We need the Savior to do the saving.  Do not fall into the trap of the Pharisees, relying on works for salvation; instead live in the grace which is yours in Christ.

Lord, I am saved by grace through faith.  Lead me to understand that I indeed need saving.  Guide me into Your goodness to know that in You alone there is all hope and a future.  Lead me away from trying to do things on my own and rest in the knowledge that my help comes from the Lord.  You have given us powerful things like the tongue and we cannot handle them on our own.  But with the help of the Lord we can and will handle them rightly.  Lead me, Lord!

Lord Jesus, You came to fulfill the law.  Guide me according to Your goodness – Yours not mine – so that I would follow Your example and be led by You.  Help me through this day.  That is enough.  Help me to be one who sees You work on and in me such that the impossible is done because You are the One doing it.  Lead me into a righteous lifestyle so that I may be transformed by You for the Father’s purpose.  Amen.

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